Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rock Climbing for Credit

Just one of the many perks of living in Southern Utah - you can take a rock climbing class and get credit and a good grade for it...and of course have lots of stress-free fun.

I actually learned a lot - probably because I've never really been much more than a gym rat.

(Don't belay with your hands like's wrong...and weird.)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Beautiful Mornings

Many mornings, before Dustin goes down for a nap and while he's still playing, we open the front door and let the fresh, cool air in. I think it's good for both of us : )

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Toilet Paper!

I never allow Dustin in the bathroom for three reasons: (1) the trash can, (2) the toilet brush/plunger, and (3) the toilet paper...

This one time, I let toilet paper act as a very expensive (at least to us) distraction so I could finish getting ready.

And it was just why not?

This is just a little taste of what Dustin is actually capable of at this point.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

He's Walking!

Dustin REALLY started walking today!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

'80s Rock Band Party

Jamie invited us to her '80s Rock Band party...we didn't know we were supposed to dress-up, but that's okay, we probably wouldn't have had anything to wear anyway...and I don't think skinny's are '80s appropriate.

Kearny sang wonderfully - would never think he might be tone-deaf.

Dustin got to rock-out on his very own set of drums. He's a natural. Oh, and Kearny made his 1st dutch-oven cobbler of the season. It was fabulous!